Browse Bomber

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Total results: 1058

ID MACR-Nr Staffel Datum Absturz Absturzort
759 11831 739th Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Ungarn
760 11832 32nd Photo Recon Squadron 01/30/1945 Koper
761 11836 824th Bomb Squadron 02/01/1945 Balaton
762 11837 830th Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Bar
763 11838 764th Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Tet
764 11839 5th Fighter Squadron 01/31/1945 Szombathely
765 11967 776th Bomb Squadron 08/24/1944 Cimer
766 11976 32nd Bomb Squadron 08/07/1944 Wiener Neudorf
767 11977 764th Bomb Squadron 07/25/1944 Steyr
768 11978 764th Bomb Squadron 07/25/1944 Linz
769 12062 721st Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Maribor
770 12063 429th Bomb Squadron 02/05/1945 Brand/Bludenz
771 12067 512th Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Sunja
772 12068 429th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Veszprem
773 12071 776th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Pag (Insel)
774 12072 719th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Reidling
775 12073 738th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 St. Pölten
776 12074 725th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Selice
777 12075 419th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Wien
778 12076 824th Bomb Squadron 02/07/1945 Wien
779 12077 419th Bomb Squadron 02/01/1945 Sand bei Balaton
780 12078 419th Bomb Squadron 02/01/1945 Trencin
781 12079 721st Bomb Squadron 01/31/1945 Srbska Crjna
782 12080 4th Fighter Squadron 02/07/1945 Frantschach
783 12082 416th Bomb Squadron 02/08/1945 Mitterlobming

