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group by rank

8158 out of 8158

{'items': '8158 out of 8158', 'title': 'group by rank', 'subtitle': '', 'legendy': '', 'legendx': '# of Persons', 'categories': 'sorted(dates)', 'measuredObject': 'Persons', 'ymin': 0, 'payload': [['1st Lt', 743], ['2nd Lt', 2117], ['S/Sgt', 2108], ['Sgt', 1390], ['T/Sgt', 767], ['F/O', 228], ['Maj', 24], ['LtCol', 7], ['Capt', 87], ['PfC', 16], ['Pvt', 30], ['Cpl', 392], ['M/Sgt', 11], ['0', 3], ['Col', 4], ['F/Lt', 14], ['P/O', 30], ['F/Sgt', 80], ['WO', 37], ['Lt', 33], ['SquadL', 3], ['Field not populated', 34]]}

Total results: 8158

Written name Rank Destiny checked
Thaddeus J. Lyons Jr. 1st Lt Vermisst
John N. Wilson Jr. 2nd Lt Vermisst
Harold W. Garlick S/Sgt Vermisst
George B. Berkstresser T/Sgt Vermisst
Harry T. Bolster S/Sgt Vermisst
George Bronstein 2nd Lt Vermisst
Joe Mansfield S/Sgt Vermisst
Leon R. Chagnon Sgt Vermisst
Clarence W. Southern 2nd Lt Vermisst
Grover S. Brines Jr. 2nd Lt Vermisst
Joseph M. Goodman Sgt Vermisst
John H. Gorham 2nd Lt Vermisst
Guy C. Hayes Jr. Sgt Vermisst
Lyle McAllister Sgt Vermisst
Warren J. Montalbano S/Sgt Vermisst
Michael E. Rindos S/Sgt Vermisst
Joseph J. Sellick Sgt Vermisst
Frank N. Stear 2nd Lt Vermisst
Philip S. Wood Jr. 1st Lt Vermisst
Gavin G. Lamon 2nd Lt Vermisst
John P. Petschauer T/Sgt Vermisst
Richard K. Malloy 1st Lt Vermisst
Earl P. Gorman T/Sgt Vermisst
Author L. Crow S/Sgt Vermisst
Edwin J. Webb 2nd Lt Vermisst