person: Arthur W. Bettinger


Funktion Gunner 6
Vorname Arthur W.
Familienname Bettinger
Name Kontrolle Arthur W. Bettinger
Dienstgrad Cpl
Kennnummer 32675866
Part of bomber Stumpy Joe (MARC: 10490)
Fallnummer (MACR) 10490
Eintrag MACR Rtd
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 765th Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Bates Boles Bombardier 2nd Lt 0
Wayne W. Boyce Gunner 2 Cpl Rtd
Joe R. Bryant Gunner 1 Cpl Rtd
William C. Hart Navigator F/O 0
Arthur L. Hughes Pilot 2nd Lt 0
Dewey E. Large Gunner 3 Cpl Rtd
Douglas Meifert Gunner 4 Cpl Rtd
Robert L. Scanlon Gunner 5 Cpl Rtd
Dorance R. Shaffer Gunner 7 S/Sgt Rtd
Leonard W. Wager Co-Pilot 2nd Lt 0
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None None None
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