Browse Bomber

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Total results: 1058

ID MACR-Nr Staffel Datum Absturz Absturzort
983 205014 No. 37 Squadron 07/07/1944 Krems
982 205013 No. 37 Squadron 07/07/1944 St. Pölten
981 205012 No. 70 Squadron 07/07/1944 Schneeberg
980 205011 No. 70 Squadron 07/07/1944 St. Pölten
979 205010 No. 70 Squadron 07/07/1944 St. Pölten
978 205009 No. 70 Squadron 07/07/1944 St. Pölten
977 205008 No. 178 Squadron 07/07/1944 Murska Sobota
976 205007 No. 178 Squadron 07/07/1944 Strallegg
975 205006 No. 40 Squadron 07/07/1944 St. Pölten
974 205005 No. 150 Squadron 06/30/1944 Annaberg
973 205004 No. 142 Squadron 05/30/1944 St. Pölten
972 205003 No. 540 Squadron 05/10/1944 Wiener Neustadt
971 205001 No. 102 Squadron 08/17/1940 Hochlichtspitze/Walsertal
970 16500 512th Bomb Squadron 01/08/1945 Adria
969 15913 20th Bomb Squadron 04/02/1944 kein Absturz
968 15861 66th Bomb Squadron 10/01/1943 Pilgersdorf
967 15559 67th Bomb Squadron 10/01/1943 Wiener Neustadt
966 15547 345th Bomb Squadron 06/13/1943 Mittelmeer / Adria
965 15457 758th Bomb Squadron 08/22/1944 Adria
964 15251 506th Bomb Squadron 10/01/1943 Wiener Neustadt
963 14627 738th Bomb Squadron 12/09/1944 Adria
962 14418 307th Fighter Squadron 08/07/1944 Balozsameggyes
961 14192 850th Bomb Squadron 04/19/1945 Sedlcany
960 14186 834th Bomb Squadron 04/17/1945 Sedlcany
959 14119 434th Fighter Squadron 04/16/1945 Ried/Innkreis

