person: Pasquale Buonanno


Funktion Gunner 6
Vorname Pasquale
Familienname Buonanno
Name Kontrolle Pasquale Buonanno
Dienstgrad S/Sgt
Kennnummer 32573638
Part of bomber 42-52206 (MARC: 2587)
Fallnummer (MACR) 2587
Eintrag MACR EUS
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 513rd Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
John E. Callow Gunner 1 S/Sgt EUS
Henry B. Gibbons Pilot Capt KIA
William E. Graves Bombardier 2nd Lt EUS
Dean O. Holman Gunner 5 S/Sgt EUS
Lester Jaffe Navigator 2nd Lt EUS
John W. Kearns Gunner 2 T/Sgt EUS
Morris Ruttenberg Gunner 7 S/Sgt EUS
Michael J. Solow Co-Pilot 2nd Lt KIA
William J. Stupar Gunner 4 Sgt EUS
Raymond R. Wick Gunner 3 S/Sgt EUS
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
wurde inhaftiert in Luftwaffen-Lazarett Wels Wels None None
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