person: George E. Caldwell Jr.


Funktion Co-Pilot
Vorname George E.
Familienname Caldwell
Name Kontrolle George E. Caldwell Jr.
Dienstgrad 2nd Lt
Kennnummer O-770166
Part of bomber 41-28934 (MARC: 9214)
Fallnummer (MACR) 9214
Eintrag MACR Rtd
Detail Am 20.10.1944 (14:35) bei Bergamo festgenommen.
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 746th Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Granville R. Billingsley Gunner 3 S/Sgt Rtd
Lyle L. Brady Gunner 2 Sgt Rtd
John W. Bryant Gunner 6 Sgt Rtd
Harold Burg Navigator 2nd Lt Rtd
Marcus P. Chatham Gunner 1 Sgt Rtd
David Falkowitz Gunner 5 Sgt Rtd
Charles B. Ferrell Gunner 4 Sgt Rtd
Joseph M. Giuliano Bombardier F/O Rtd
Walter J. Hansen Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None Bergamo / Imst None None None
None Verona / Bad Aibling None None None
None Dulag Luft Oberursel Frankfurt am Main None None
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