person: Andrew S. Walp Jr.


Funktion Gunner 3
Vorname Andrew S.
Familienname Walp
Name Kontrolle Andrew S. Walp Jr.
Dienstgrad S/Sgt
Kennnummer 32488439
Part of bomber Princess Elisabeth (MARC: 4748)
Fallnummer (MACR) 4748
Eintrag MACR Rtd
Maschine Englisch ME 1148
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 772nd Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Ralph L. Black Gunner 4 S/Sgt Rtd
Melvin H. Briner Gunner 5 S/Sgt Rtd
Kenneth W. Brousseau Navigator 2nd Lt Rtd
Thomas J. Coffey Gunner 2 T/Sgt Rtd
Lee J. Hazen Gunner 1 T/Sgt Rtd
Joseph R. Konieczny Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
John L. Lewis Bombardier 2nd Lt Rtd
Edward F. Smithwick Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None Agram Zagreb None None
None Dulag Luft Oberursel Frankfurt am Main None None
None None None