person: Edward D. Kornett


Funktion Bombardier
Vorname Edward D.
Familienname Kornett
Name Kontrolle Edward D. Kornett
Dienstgrad 2nd Lt
Kennnummer O-716736
Part of bomber 42-95356 (MARC: 8268)
Fallnummer (MACR) 8268
Eintrag MACR Rtd
Maschine Englisch ME 2097
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 344th Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Michael Abadie Gunner 3 S/Sgt 0
Elmo L. Butterfield Gunner 6 S/Sgt Rtd
Harry V. Cress Navigator 2nd Lt Rtd
Clark W. Davis Gunner 2 T/Sgt Rtd
John L. Dempsey Gunner 5 S/Sgt Rtd
Earl D. Jameson Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
Lyman E. Olsen Pilot 1st Lt Rtd
Joseph Wasche Gunner 1 S/Sgt 0
David A. Watkins Gunner 4 S/Sgt Rtd
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None Luftwaffen Kommando SO None None None
None Dulag Luft Oberursel Frankfurt am Main None None
None None None
None Stalag Luft I Barth None None
None Stalag Luft IV Groß-Tychow None None
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