person: Matthew G. Redding


Funktion Navigator
Vorname Matthew G.
Familienname Redding
Name Kontrolle Matthew G. Redding
Dienstgrad 2nd Lt
Kennnummer O-702139
Part of bomber 42-32041 (MARC: 6518)
Fallnummer (MACR) 6518
Eintrag MACR POW
Maschine Englisch ME 1787
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 348th Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Alfred L. Bachman Gunner 3 T/Sgt POW
Rondo D. Edler Gunner 1 T/Sgt POW
Donald E. Erikson Gunner 2 S/Sgt POW
Delbert D. Laudner Gunner 6 S/Sgt POW
Harry O. Reuse Pilot 2nd Lt POW
Lloyd Stockton Co-Pilot 2nd Lt POW
Allen P. Sughrue Gunner 4 S/Sgt POW
Robert F. Waller Bombardier 2nd Lt POW
Hardin M. Wright Gunner 5 S/Sgt POW
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None Pécs Pecs None None
None Luftwaffen Kommando SO None None None
None Dulag Luft Oberursel Frankfurt am Main None None
None None None
None Stalag Luft III Żagań None None
None Stalag Luft IV Groß-Tychow None None
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