person: Henry A. Barrett


Funktion Gunner 6
Vorname Henry A.
Familienname Barrett
Name Kontrolle Henry A. Barrett
Dienstgrad S/Sgt
Kennnummer 14067197
Part of bomber 42-52253 (MARC: 6435)
Fallnummer (MACR) 6435
Eintrag MACR Rtd
Maschine Englisch ME 1716
Detail Lazarett.
Schicksal Überlebt
Part of institution 744th Bomb Squadron



Name Function Rank Destiny
Matthew G. Beland Gunner 2 T/Sgt 0
Leslie G. Burgess Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
Paul E. Busse Bombardier 1st Lt Rtd
Dudley B. Field Pilot 2nd Lt Rtd
William J. Harvey Gunner 3 T/Sgt Rtd
Archie G. Hatch Gunner 4 S/Sgt Rtd
Ariell C. Heine Gunner 5 Sgt Rtd
Robert A. Masuch Gunner 1 S/Sgt Rtd
Wilson D. Smith Navigator 2nd Lt Rtd
Relation Type Name Location Arrival Departure
None Luftwaffen-Kommando Südost Budapest Budapest None None
None Dulag Luft Oberursel Frankfurt am Main None None
None None None
None Stalag VII-A Moosburg None None
None Stalag Luft III Żagań None None
None Stalag Luft IV Groß-Tychow None None
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